Rowsy's Weapons

~ Lasher ~


Bastard Sword -- d10+9 Base damage, +5 dmg from Enchantment, +5 dmg from Fire Elemental Gem -- d10+19 total dmg

Severs a limb on a roll of 2-10 on a d100 -- (d5 roll -- 1= Left Arm, 2= Right Arm, 3= Left Leg, 4= Right Leg, 5= Rowsy's choice of limb)

Vorpals on a roll of 1 on a d100 -- (Decapitation = Instant Death)

Blessed for an extra d8 holy dmg to opponents, 2d8 vs. evil opponents

~ Fatalis ~


A beautifully mastercrafted sword made by Rowsy specially for herself. Fashioned from Orihalcon and Silver. The Crossguard is in the shape of ocean waves and the pommel appears as a blossoming tulip. Silver wires inthe shape of ivy vines entwine the top of the blade.

Large Sword -- d14+16 base dmg, d14+21 vs. Undead/Unholy, +5% to hit, Adds +15% to Magic Resistance

Completely non-magical weapon

~ Annihilator ~


Enchantable Double-bladed Outsider Claw Sword -- 2d9+12 Base dmg

Grey Elemental Gem attached -- (drains d10 HP from attacker to heal holder)

Has two 5000 gp Opals attached

Has one Flawless 15,000 gp Cobalt attached

~ Heartseeker ~



Double Bow -- 2d8+11 base dmg, 290' range

Mithril Backing -- Adds +6dmg

Mithril String -- Adds +6dmg and 80' range

Enchant Wood Prayer -- Adds +1 dmg and +5% to hit

Total of 2d8+24 dmg, 370' range and +5% to hit

~ Bowholder, Quivers & Arrows ~

Quivers & Arrows

Bowholder and Quiver One:

Mastercrafted from thick black leather, reinforced and decorated by silver studs throughout, this bowholder is custom made to fit only Heartseeker and comes with a special strap so that it can be worn over the shoulder. The specially designed quiver can hang loosely at the hip or across the back with an attached leather belt. The quiver can hold up to 40 arrows at once.

Black Leather Quiver Contains:

20 Barbed arrows(+6 dmg)

20 Barbed Silver Arrows (+6 dmg, +5 vs. undead, d3 dmg when removed)


Special Quiver Two:

This is a special, masterfully crafted quiver that holds a set of very special arrows. The quiver itself is made of tough leather then lined inside and out with the finest of materials. The outside is then studded with small gems of various kinds and sizes for decoration as is the strap that allows it to be slung over the shoulder or worn around the waist. Made to hold up to 20 arrows, each in its own compartment within the quiver so that they don't touch.

Gem-studded Quiver Contains:

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